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Private Art Tuition

If you’ve always wanted to be more creative or just feel like setting some ‘me time’ aside to express yourself and discover the artist within, I offer private tuition in the comfort of your own home where you can be most comfortable.

Whatever stage you are at with your creative path or a complete beginner, I offer one on one advice and tuition to allow your vision to come to life in the form of artwork. Self expression can be guided with sessions of Art Therapy and just a relaxed atmosphere discovering where your hidden talents or gifts may be hiding.

To create something in a stress free environment with you being in control of what inspires you, together we can create a journey of self discovery, therapeutic time out from the everyday demands of work and family with a goal of learning techniques producing paintings or drawings in any medium.

Contact Cathy for more Information about Private Art Lessons

Cathyland Art - Cathy

The images above show the progression of my private art student as she painted a significant image for her partner to remind him of his father who recently passed.

This image was her first attempt at a full colour (acrylic on large canvas) painting and was created purely from a photographic reference.

Follow her journey as she attempts the clouds, learning they can be difficult to master.  The reflection on the water and amazing colours and texture. Quickly becoming fond of the dimension acrylic paint added to the foreground casting a wonderful perspective, drawing the eye to the middle of the scene. There were trials and frustrations but the fortnightly sessions proved to be successful with the painting being something to be extremely proud of in the end. But what do you think? I thought the clouds turned out fabulous.

Hi Cathy,

Thank you so much for all of your patience and understanding as I struggled to produce the image I wanted. Only to find out in the end (after trusting you) that the picture was stunning all thanks to you.

Love the journey you took me on in the creative landscape. I'm hooked for life. Happy Painting
